View Profile slanted2
Timothy Knopf @slanted2

Age 33, Male


Joined on 5/31/07

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1,554 / 1,600
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slanted2's News

Posted by slanted2 - October 30th, 2009

New profile Image, Icon, and banner, as well as a new animation for Halloween. this is my first Holiday animation and as well my first newgrounds event animation. New Idea for a site, hopefully this time it won't fall through, I'll be working with MarcK(Marc Klopfenstien) on it.


Posted by slanted2 - October 9th, 2009

it was looking like time for another update, so blammo! in refrence to the last post about my website coming up, it'll be a while if at all so i wouldn't be waiting for it.

I'm currently working on a Halloween animation for the annual competition here on newgrounds, so wish me luck.

other misc. news!!

Posted by slanted2 - May 23rd, 2009

hey it's been a while so i figured I'd drop by and put up some new news.

i recently submitted "search" to the portal, arguably my best animation, feel free to check it out. the web site me and a few friends are working on "imaginaryfiend.net" has been postponed a little longer, sorry about that. the web site will feature: comics, videos, blogs, games, and animations by us. feel free to stop by and check out the forum when it's done.

Posted by slanted2 - March 26th, 2009

today im taking down some more sub-par projects from my page the following are being removed:
-slanted's adventure

note that with this change i will have no mare games uploaded, sorry if you wish to see any of my older animations or games just message me.

in other news i have a few soon to be released animations:
a robotic spacecraft searches a desolate landscape in search of... what?
"It is not the form that dictates the color, but the color that brings out the form."
Hans Hofmann - Artist
-hast du milch?
a quick animation i made when i was struck with a simple idea

look forward to Ink in the next few days, if not tonight, and search will be released with an upcoming website I'm involved in.

Posted by slanted2 - July 23rd, 2008

today i deleted ice fall, and pika rave from my newgrounds account, because i did not fell they were quality projects. this will most likely continue to happen as i make more, better animations

Posted by slanted2 - June 12th, 2008

today i8 deleted 3 of my old entries, i fear this may start becoming a common event because my submittions represent me and i will have to delete all the obsolete submitions as i get better and make new ones.

the three deleted animations were a short sprite series called slanted sprite i made 3 very short episodes and abandoned the series now it is gone from the face of newgrounds.

Posted by slanted2 - May 24th, 2008

1. mario vs tetris 6? i havent heard from soraslayer in some time, so i don't know when mvt6 will be coming out or if at all

2. i just submitted a new animation tittled "colored" and am thinking of making a -ed series including that and blocked.

3. I'm in kitzunez's .:monocrome:. collab and have submitted an entry to the kitzunez's greyscale collab.

4. I found my self in someones favorite artists again and am glad to be a little more famous.

new news!!!

Posted by slanted2 - April 6th, 2008

soraslayer a fairly unknown auther with the fairly unknown series mario vs tetris, has agreed to let me help him with the next part(part 6) and i hope to work with him though out the entire series, although i expected to begin work on my parts by today their seems to be some sort of hold up, if things go well from here on out, we should be done soon.

on another note i took down 2 animations from my account slanted ultimate colab, and ctf and other shorts, as a replacement i put up ctf Red versus Blue, it has the same ctf from before with 2 more episodes and an easter egg.

Posted by slanted2 - March 15th, 2008

at my school we kick ass at smart people stuff and suck at sports *woot* at a regional computer fair that one of my animations qualified for, we took first in 3 catigories, animation, graphic design and some other gay shit. to quilify i needed to get 2nd or higher in my school compition, and i got second, however the person who got first in myy school happens to be a good freind of mine. he's on newgrounds under the name kitzunez and he won the regional computer fair and qualified for states. so im gonna go with him to states and see how he does. by the way in case your wondering i didnt place in regionals top 3, so no trophy for meh. they dont tell you the scores but i assume from seeing what was there i got 4th or 5th, it was accually kind of expected for me to place, but a few technical errors and a crappy animation later and i'm skrewed, thats about it. good luck kitzunez.

PS kitzunez animation is titled a twilight surface and mine is called bus after crash, they should be uploaded unto newgrounds shortly.

Posted by slanted2 - February 27th, 2008

i just start submiting stuff to newgrounds *woot* so if you want to vote on my stuff be my guest.